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About the Addlestone and District Scottish Society

The Addlestone and District Scottish Society aims to provide a relaxed and friendly social atmosphere amongst its members and guests. Preservation and promotion of the traditions of Scotland are encouraged and promoted through its activities. The Society also makes donations to Scottish and local charities.


The main activity of the Society is Scottish Country Dancing.  We hold a weekly programme of dancing events throughout the season, on Wednesday evenings from September to May, at St Mary's Church Hall, Byfleet.

Other activities

As well as our regular dancing evenings, each season we hold:

  • Two "Social Evenings" in December and May, which are a mixture of dancing with refreshments, competitions and entertainment.

  • A "Non-Dancing Social" in October when we have a guest speaker or entertainer.

  • A Burns Supper in January with a traditional haggis dinner, addresses, entertainment and simple dances.

  • A Spring Social Dance in March with live music, aimed at less experienced dancers when we encourage participation by local U3A groups.

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